Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 31 - Arrive on Ferry in St. John's, Newfoundland

Awaken fellow Adventurers, its day 31 and we are on our way to Newfoundland.

The fog horn serves as an alarm clock for many of us.

Up we get and out the window we peer (Alice, would you go out and wash the windows?}
If there was something out there we couldn’t see it (Alice wouldn’t go out and wash the window).  Nothing but fog meets our sight.

OK, nothing to do but experience a nice hot shower (after you get the knobs figured out) on a moving ferry.

Safely showered and dressed we find our way to the buffet breakfast of juice, fruit, nuts, eggs, bacon, sausage,  pancakes, oatmeal and more (food, food- we need more food) and of course, coffee.

“Laughter,” it is said, “is good for the digestive system” so we devoured and digested.

Then we wait.  And then the announcement comes, “all passengers with vehicles on levels 3 and 5 are to go to their vehicles.”

Amid the stampede we make our way to our precious home on wheels.  For some a very short wait and we are moving toward the big hole through which we disembark.

Others, caught in the crowd and wrong elevator have to hurry to get moving for the disembarking goes very quickly and orderly.

Out of the ferry and into the sunshine we drive, excited RVers of Adventure Caravan 2013.

The sun is displayed in a sky of blue with gauze stretch and cotton ball clouds.

Our first view of Newfoundland

First impression:  Newfoundland is a land of trees and water – commonly called “ponds” (what’s a pond?)

As we travel we see numerous warning signs about moose – but see no moose.

The numerous “ponds” remind us of Minnesota – the land of a thousand lakes; the roadside camping – Arizona; the woodlands - Alaska; the pines – Maine and so much more.

By early afternoon we are all in camp and we spend the afternoon in various ways – some catch a few snoozes and others go sightseeing.  One couple managed to get tangled up in one way streets.

We concluded the day with a social – get together with more snacks than we need – food, food.

Submitted by:  Phyllis and Carlton Kitchen
Adventure # 11

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